


其實大部分都是Gene Genie的機車言語攻擊XDDDD


 [FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_000874119.jpg   [FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_000879439.jpg [FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_000882519.jpg [FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_000885039.jpg

[After Sam, disorientated and confused by his new surroundings, has challenged Gene's authority]

Gene Hunt: They reckon you've got concussion - I couldn't give a tart's furry cup if half your brains are falling out. Don't ever waltz into my kingdom acting king of the jungle. (他們說你有腦震盪──就算你掉了半個腦袋老子也不鳥你,別在我的地盤撒尿就當自己是叢林之王。)

Sam Tyler: Who the hell are you?(你他媽的是誰?)

Gene Hunt: Gene Hunt. Your DCI. And it's 1973. Almost dinner time. I'm 'aving 'oops.(Gene Hunt,你的上司總督察。現在是1973年。馬上就到午餐時間,老子正要吃義大利麵罐頭。)

[FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_001826359.jpg [FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_001828799.jpg 

Gene Hunt: [To Sam] Where are you today, then? Here, or Planet of the Clangers?

[FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_001843759.jpg [FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_001855519.jpg [FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_001860199.jpg [FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_001869919.jpg

Gene Hunt: Right, we pulled a bird in, Dora Keanes. She was the last person to see the victim alive.(我們抓了隻雞回來,Dora Keanes。她是最後一個目擊被害人的人。)

Sam Tyler: Is she a suspect?(她有嫌疑嗎?)

Gene Hunt: Nope, just a pain in the arse.(沒呀,就是欠扁。)

Sam Tyler: Okay, alright, brief me in full. What do I need to know?(行,好吧,告訴我現在的情況,我該知道些什麼?)

Gene Hunt: [Slightly nonplussed] She's a pain in the arse.(她就是欠扁。)

[They arrive outside the lost property office]

Sam Tyler: What, so you've handed her into lost property?(什麼,那你就把她關在失物招領處?)

Chris Skelton: Well, we could use the canteen, but she's a right mouthy bird, this one.(本來可以用小賣部的,可這隻雞太吵了。)

Sam Tyler: Hang on, you're going to do the interview in there?(等等,你們就在這兒問訊?)

Gene Hunt: Thick walls.(牆夠厚啊)

[FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_002707919.jpg [FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_002709439.jpg  [FLYINE飞翔科幻网][SF幻翔_萌军军团][Life.On.Mars][1x01][GB]DVDrip.rmvb_002713559.jpg

Gene Hunt:Anything happens to this motor. I'll come around your houses and stamp on all your toys. Got it? Good kids.(這輛車要是有任何閃失,我就衝進你們家把所有的玩具踩的稀巴爛,懂嗎?乖孩子。)


......我就是這樣愛上Gene Genie的!(誤很大




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