1763→ Seven Years’ War : Prussia-Britian-Portugal verusu Austria-Russia-France-Sweden-Saxony.
→Treaty of Paris (the Franch and Indian War), British take over Canada.
1764→Britian passed the Sugar Act and the Currency Act.
1765→Britian passed the Stamp Act. Boston started to boycott Britian good.
1766→Britian repealed the Stamp Act.
1767→Britian passed the Townshed Act.
1770→Britian repealed the Towshed Act but still tax on tea.
→March 5, Boston Massacre.
1773→Dec 16, Boston Tea Party.
1774→British passed intolerable laws.
→King George ingnored petition form First Continental Congress.
1775→King George ingnored petition form Second Continental Congress.
1776→March, British military retreated Boston.
→July 4, Declaration of Independence.
1778→France signed a military and commercial treaty.
1779→Spain joined the France as allies.
1780→Holland entered into war against British.